For applications where a gas purge or air replacement process has been completed, a Bridge head space gas analyzer will confirm the residual oxygen level in the final package. Coupled to a gas sample line, a sample needle is used to penetrate the package exterior. While extracting a sample of the modified atmosphere, the analyzer will display an oxygen reading. After the test, the analyzer will freeze the display with the final reading. Subsequent tests are performed in a similar manner.
The MAP gas analyzer will test oxygen levels from above 0% to below 100%. If gas levels include CO2 levels above 20%, an internal blue band oxygen sensor is used. The special sensor is more resistant to higher levels of CO2 than the standard oxygen sensor used in this oxygen analyzer. This tester can be configured to your specific application of various MAP packaging gas mixtures.
Applications include fresh cut produce, cosmetics, trail mix, snack packs and coffee packaging.
Down to 0.001% for Residual O2 | Up to 100% for Enhanced Oxygen
Model 9000 MAP Head Space Gas Analyzer can assist in achieving and maintaining maximum quality control and extending shelf life of your food products.
- Measures Residual Oxygen for Oxygen-Free MAP, or Oxygen fill for Enhanced Oxygen MAP.
- Customized for Cold Environments and CO2 levels > 20%
- Sealed for Harsh Environments – Industrial NEMA-4 Design.
- Cordless Operation . Single or Double Shift Internal Battery.
- Easy to use – Single button – Headspace O2 in 15 Seconds.
- Customer Changeable Self-Calibrating E-C O2 sensor.
- Small (6″x3″x3″), lightweight (2.5 Lbs), and rugged.