Why You Need Wind Sensors for Monitoring Wind Speed for Your Fountains, Pools, and Water Features
When you are designing or building an outdoor fountain, water feature, or pool one of your main concerns should be how you will monitor and control changes in wind speed.
A water feature, fountain, or pool is a focal point that adds beauty and intrigue to any landscape, but windy conditions can cause water to splash outside of the water feature’s perimeter leaving paths, sidewalks, and possibly even people near it unintentionally wet. To mitigate this from happening it is imperative that you have a way of monitoring and controlling wind speed.
The best way to monitor wind speed is with a wind sensor, otherwise known as an anemometer. Using a wind sensor in tandem with a controller will allow you to to control the flow rate of your water feature depending on the wind conditions. This setup of wind sensor and controller will allow you to reduce splash and spray, increase sustainability by using less water, as well as ensure that your water feature is as functional and aesthetically pleasing as possible.
The Complete Wireless Anemometer Fountain Control Package includes:
- Wireless Anemometer, ET-101, p/n 003001
- Wireless Display, ET-20TS, p/n 003005
- Power Supply Adapter, 12VDC, p/n 003012 (not pictured)
- Power Connection Cable Assembly, p/n 003013
- NMO Antenna Cabinet Mount, p/n 003110
- NMO Antenna Cable 3m. (10ft.), p/n 003118
- Aluminum Stub Mount 25cm., p/n 003129
- Time Delay Relay, p/n 003205
- Relay Socket, 11 pin, p/n 003206